The Green Mandarin, also known as the Green Mandarin Dragonet or Green Mandarin Goby, is a highly sought-after species in the aquarium trade due to its dazzling and vibrant coloration. Its body features intricate patterns of green, blue, orange, and yellow, making it one of the most visually stunning fish in the marine hobby. These small fish are peaceful and slow-moving, making them a delight to observe in a calm, reef-safe aquarium environment.
The Green Mandarin typically grows up to 4 inches and requires a well-established aquarium with plenty of live rock to support a healthy population of copepods and amphipods, which form the main part of its diet. Mandarins are often challenging to keep because they are highly specialized feeders, preferring live, naturally occurring foods, though some individuals can be trained to accept frozen foods like mysis shrimp.
This fish is completely reef-safe and will not harm corals or other invertebrates, making it an excellent choice for reef aquariums. However, because of its delicate nature, it should be housed in a peaceful tank with non-aggressive tank mates. A well-established tank with a robust microfauna population is essential for the long-term success of the Green Mandarin.
Quick Stats:
- GENUS: Synchiropus
- CARE LVL: Difficult
- TEMPER: Peaceful